We are pleased to inform you that SON has extended the submission deadline for the submission of the 11th edition of the ARSO essay competition for 2023/2024, with the theme: “Empowering Consumers through Standardisation to Achieve their rights” from 31st March 2024 to 8th April 2024.
In view of the above, prospective participants are kindly requested to submit the duly completed forms, endorsed by the Head of the Department of your school shall be considered along with the written essay and school identity card to the following email addresses: umarzainab59@yahoo.com; zainab.umar@son.gov.ng; pcpankes@yahoo.com on or before 8th March 2024
For more details, do not hesitate to reach: Dr. Zainab Umar (Head, ARSO Desk)
on 080395515555; 08099099455. Only one entry shall be considered.