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Mawo Schools, located in Niger State, has won the African Day of Standardisation (ADS) Quiz Competition for the year 2023. The Competition hosted by the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) was held at the Justice Legbo Kutigi International Conference Center Minna Niger State competition to commemorate this year’s African Day of Standardisation for the 29th General Assembly by the African Regional Organisation for Standardization (ARSO).

Mawo Schools, winners of the prize

The quiz competition was part of SON’s continued effort to educate and sensitize the younger generation and inculcate the value of standardization and quality products and services.

Speaking at the event, the Director-General and the Chief Executive, Mallam Farouk Salim, in his address, highlighted the importance of standards in our daily existence as humans and in our environment.

The DG speaking through the Director SON North Central Directorate, Mr. Sale A. Babaji, stated that “our vision at the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) is to improve life through Standardization and Quality Assurance,” which is the ultimate.

Salim said in addition to standardization and quality assurance schemes, the Organisation further creates consumer awareness by sensitizing business sectors and Nigerians on the dangers of consuming or using substandard products.

The DG urged everyone to commit to ensuring the safety of lives and properties in our society, “as it is our collective responsibility, and added in his words “that hopefully, at the end of the program, we shall all be better informed and equipped to strictly adhere to requirements and work towards living in a society free from substandard products and services.”

The FCT State Coordinator, Mr. Ishaku Gamagira, on behalf of the Director, SON, North Central Directorate, Mr. Sale A. Babaji gave the Director General, Mallam Farouk Salim’s speech.

Also speaking at the event was the SON Niger State Office 1 Coordinator, Hajia Hawa Nuhu Yusuf, represented by Chief. Engr. Samuel Bake stated that it was imperative to improve our knowledge of the role of standardization for sustainable, inclusive, and diversified industrial and economic development in Nigeria. SON will not relent in her effort to sensitize all stakeholders and the general public occasionally as required.

The State Coordinator emphasized the need to enlighten the school children, especially during this year’s African Day of Standardisation celebration, and to pass the vital message of standards and quality to the next generation.

Mawo Schools led twenty-two schools (22) other participants in the SON-ARSO/African Day of Standardization Quiz Competition, while FEMA Schools followed in 2nd position and Quality International School queued behind in 3rd position.

The SON-ARSO Quiz Competition had in attendance: FEMA Schools, Hudal Islam Model School, Kiddies Palace Academy, Divine Excellence International School, Government Army Day School, Government Day School, Garima Standard Academy, St. John’s Private International School, Father O’Connell Science College, Aisha Memorial School, Abu-Turab Islamic College, Mawo Schools, St. Peter’s Anglican School, Quality International School, FUT Model School, Maryam Babangida Girls’ Science College, Dels New College, NUT Endwell Model Science School, Galaxy International School, Mus’ab Bin Umair Islamic Foundation, St. Clement Secondary School, Government Day Secondary College.

Winners will be presented with gifts and certificates of participation during the African Day of Standardisation (ADS) event to be celebrated soon.

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