1. NCP 123 - Code of Practice for Bouillon fortification
  2. NIS ARS 462 - Sorghum Grain. Specification
  3. NIS ARS 463 - Pearl Millet Grain. Specification
  4. NIS ARS 858 - Rough Paddy Rice. Specification
  5. NIS ARS 461 - Maize Grain (Corn). Specification
  6. NIS ISO 21626 - Bamboo Charcoal. Part 1. Generalities
  7. NIS ISO 21626 - Bamboo Charcoal. Part 3: Purification Applications
  8. NIS ISO 21626 - Bamboo Charcoal. Part 2: Fuel Applications
  9. NIS ISO 15105 - Plastics. Film and Sheeting. Determination of gas transmission rate. Part 2. Equal Pressure Method
  10. NIS ASTMD 2196 - Standard Test Method for Rheological Properties of Non Newtonian Materials by Rotational Viscometer.
  11. NIS ASTMD 70 - Standard Test Method for pH of Aqueous Solutions with the Glass Electrode. ASTM E-70
  12. NIS ASTMD 1217 - Standard Test Method for Density and Relative Density. (Specific Gravity) of Liquid by Bingham Pycnometer.
  13. NIS 1215 - Standard for Liquid Cleaners. Part 2: Acidic Liquid Toilet Cleaner.
  14. NIS 1215 - Standard for Liquid Cleaners. Part 1. General Purpose Acid Cleaners.
  15. NIS ISO 4593 - Plastics. Film and sheeting. Determination of thickness by mechanical scanning.
  16. NIS ISO 8296 - Plastics. Film and Sheeting. Determination of wetting tension.
  17. NIS ECOSTAND 92 - Paints and Varnishes – Lead in Paints Specification
  18. NIS ASTMD 1249 - Standard Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission Rate Through Plastic Film and Sheeting Using a Modulated Infrared Sensor.
  19. NIS ASTMD 3985 - Standard Test Method for Oxygen Gas Transmission Rate Through Plastic Film and Sheeting Using a Coulometric Sensor.
  20. NIS ASTMD 2578 - Standard Test Method for Wetting Tension of Polyethylene and Polypropylene Films.
  21. NIS ASTMD 2457 - Standard Test Method for Specular Gloss of Plastic Films and Solid Plastics.
  22. NIS ASTMD 1204 - Standard Test Method for Linear Dimensional Sheeting or Film at Elevated Temperature.
  23. NIS ISO 15105 - Plastics. Film and sheeting. Determination of gas transmission rate. Part 1. Differential Pressure Methods
  24. NIS ISO 15106 - Plastics. Film and Sheeting. Determination of water vapour transmission rate. Part 1. Humidity detection sensor method
  25. NIS ISO 15106 - Plastics. Film and Sheeting. Determination of water vapour transmission rate. Part 3. Electrolytic detection sensor method
  26. NIS ISO 15989 - Plastics. Film and Sheeting. Biaxially oriented polylethylene terephthalete (PET) films.
  27. NIS ISO 291 - Plastics. Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing.
  28. NIS ISO 527 - Plastics. Determination of Tensile properties. Part 3. Test Conditioning for films sheets.
  29. NIS ASTMD 1894 - Standard Test Method for Static and Kinetic Coefficients of Friction of Plastic Film and Sheeting.
  30. NIS ASTMD 882 - Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of thin Plastic Sheeting.
  31. NIS ASTMD 1003 - Standard Test Method for Haze Luminous Transmittance of Transparent Plastics
  32. NIS ISO 13935 - Textiles. Seam tensile properties of fabrics and made up textiles articles. Pt 1. Determination of maximum force toseam rupture using the strip method.
  33. NIS ISO 13935 - Textiles. Seam tensile properties of fabrics and made up textiles articles. Pt 2. Determination of maximum force to seam rupture using the grab method.
  34. NIS ISO 23560 - Woven Polypropylene Sack for Bulk Packaging of Foodstuffs.
  35. NIS ISO 10924 - Road vehicles.Circuit breakers. Part 1: Definitions and general test requirements.
  36. NIS ISO 10924 - Road vehicles. Circuit breakers. Part 4: Medium circuit breakers with tabs (Blade type), Form CB15.
  37. NIS ISO 11748 - Road Vehicles.Technical documentation of Electrical and Electronic Systems. Part 2: Documentation agreement
  38. NIS ISO 14230 - Road vehicles. Diagnostic communication over K-Line (DoKLine). Part 1: Physical layer.
  39. NIS ISO 15031 - Road vehicles. Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics. Part 3: Diagnostic connector and related electrical circuits:Specification and use
  40. NIS ISO 15170 - Road vehicles. Four-pole electrical connectors with pins and twist lock. Part 2: Tests and requirements.
  41. NIS ISO 16750 - Road vehicles.Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment Part 1: General
  42. NIS ISO 16750 - Road vehicles. Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment. Part 3: Mechanical loads
  43. NIS ISO 19642 - Road vehicles. Automotive cables. Part 12: Dimensions and requirements for unscreened twisted pair RFcables with a specified analogue bandwidth up to 1 GHz.
  44. NIS ISO 23150 - Road vehicles. Data communication between sensors and data fusion unit for automated driving functions. Logical interface
  45. NIS ISO 26262 - Road vehicles. Functional safety Part 1: Vocabulary
  46. NIS ISO 26262 - Road vehicles.Functional safety Part 4: Product development at the system level
  47. NIS ISO 26262 - Road vehicles-- Functional Safety. Part 5: Product development at the hardware level.
  48. NIS ISO 26262 - Road vehicles. Functional safety. Part 6: Product development at the software level.
  49. NIS ISO 26262 - Road vehicles- Functional safety Part 7: Production, Operation, Service and Decommissioning.
  50. NIS ISO 26262 - Road Vehicles.Functional Safety Part 11: Guidelines on application of ISO 26262 to semiconductors.
  51. NIS ISO 26262 - Road Vehicles. Functional Safety Part 12: Adaptation of ISO 26262 for Motorcycles.
  52. NIS ISO 27145 - Road vehicles: Implementation of World-Wide Harmonized OnBoard Diagnostics (WWH-OBD) communication requirements. Part 1: General information and use case definition.
  53. NIS ISO 27145 - Road vehicles: Implementation of World-Wide Harmonized OnBoard Diagnostics (WWH-OBD) Communication requirements. Part 3: Common message dictionary
  54. NIS ISO 9839 - Road vehicles: Application of predictive maintenance to hardware with ISO 26262-5
  55. NIS ISO 8092 - Road vehicles. Connections for onboard electrical wiring harnesses. Part 2: Terminology, test methods and general performance requirements.
  56. NIS 1208 - Standard on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Management
  57. NIS 1209 - Minimum Energy Performance Standard — Lighting - Part 1: Lamps
  58. NIS 1209 - Minimum Energy Performance Standard — Lighting - Part 2: Luminaires
  59. NIS IEC 60050 - International Electrotechnical Vocabulary – Part 461: Electric cables
  60. NIS IEC 60183 - Guidance for the selection of high-voltage A.C. cable systems.
  61. NIS IEC 62230 - Electric cables – Spark-test method
  62. NIS IEC 62440 - Electric cables with a rated voltage not exceeding 450/750 V– Guide to use
  63. NIS IEC 62895 - High voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission –Cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages up to 320 kV for land applications –Test methods and requirements.
  64. NIS IEC 62930 - Electric cables for photovoltaic systems with a voltage rating of 1,5 kV DC
  65. NIS IEC 63026 - Submarine power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7,2 kV) up to 60 kV (Um = 72,5 kV) – Test methods and requirements.
  66. NIS ISO 2575 - Road vehicles — Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales.
  67. NIS ISO 3808 - Road Vehicles. Unscreened High-voltage Ignition Cables. General Specifications, Test Methods and Requirements.
  68. NIS ISO 4141 - Road vehicles — Multi-core connecting cables Part 3: Construction, dimensions and marking of unscreened sheathed low-voltage cables.
  69. NIS ISO 4141 - Road vehicles — Multi-core connecting cables Part 4: Test methods and requirements for coiled cable assemblies.
  70. NIS ISO 4165 - Road vehicles. Electrical connections. Double-pole connection
  71. NIS ISO 7588 - Road vehicles. Electrical/electronic switching devices. Part 1: Relays and flashers
  72. NIS ISO 7588 - Road vehicles. Electrical/electronic switching devices. Part 2: Electronic devices
  73. NIS ISO 7588 - Road vehicles. Electrical/electronic switching devices. Part 3: Microrelays
  74. NIS ISO 8092 - Road vehicles. Connections for onboard electrical wiring harnesses. Part 5: Test methods and general performance requirements for wiring harness connector operation.
  75. NIS 1214 - Guideline for installation of specific components to support the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) for Vehicle propulsion.